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Kyber Network Colors
Primary Colors

CMYK: 67, 0, 52, 0

RGB 49, 203, 158

HEX #31cb9e

CMYK: 86, 77, 55, 71

RGB 20, 25, 39

HEX #141927

About Kyber Network
Kyber Network is delivering a sustainable liquidity infrastructure for DeFi. As a multi-chain trading and liquidity hub, Kyber connects liquidity from various protocols and sources to provide the best token rates to traders, Dapps, and aggregators in DeFi.
Through Kyber, anyone can provide or access liquidity, and developers can build innovative applications, including token swap services, decentralized payments, and financial Dapps — helping to build a world where any token is usable anywhere.
Kyber is powering more than 100 integrated projects and has facilitated over US$7 billion worth of transactions for thousands of users since its inception.
KyberSwap , the latest protocol in the liquidity hub, provides the best rates for traders and maximizes returns for liquidity providers.
Liquidity Hub for Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Connecting tokens from all the popular exchanges and sources on each chain for the best rates
$10 Billion+
Total Trading Volume
2 Million+
Total Transactions
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