How Kyber Works
Connecting Liquidity for Traders, Dapps and Aggregators
Kyber’s technology connects the deepest crypto liquidity from diverse sources to provide the best rates and maximize returns for everyone. Swap tokens, earn yield, and build the best DeFi applications with Kyber.
TVL from DEXs
“Kyber, Ethereum - DeFi alanındaki en büyük likidite platformudur... Geliştiricilerin kendi finansal hizmetlerini ve ürünlerini izin gerekmeden oluşturmalarına izin vermek, Kyber’ın birçok güçlü yanından biridir.”
“Kyber, DeFi alanındaki likidite sorununu çözer, her şey tam olarak şeffaflığı ve entegrasyon kolaylığını garanti etmek için blok zincir üzerinde çalışır... En çok kullanılan likidite protokolüdür.”
“Kyber şimdiden alanının temel taşlarından biridir. Birçok işlem ve uygulama için likidite sağlar. Ve likidite, merkezi olmayan ekonominin anahtarıdır.”
“We have been working closely with the Kyber team on their crypto-economic re-design and transition to a DAO with Katalyst. Kyber’s growth trajectory and breadth of integrations across the DeFi stack are impressive, as it evolves to become a liquidity protocol for the ecosystem.”
“Working with the Kyber team has been an efficient and pleasant experience. They gave us professional and responsive support on every question we have raised regarding their trading contract and market making on the Ethereum network.”
“DV Chain has worked closely with Kyber Network to help bridge the gap between traditional trading and DeFi. We strongly believe that the solutions Kyber is building are of great importance to our industry and to the future of the digital economy.”